In advanced economies, import prices of Chinese goods would rise, complicating the lives of central bankers grappling with the credit squeeze as higher inflation would make it harder to justify interest rate cuts. 在发达经济体,如果中国产品的进口价格上升,将使正在应付信贷紧缩难题的央行行长们面临更为复杂的任务,因为通胀加剧可能使降息的理由更难以站住脚。
They see the uptick in certain headline inflation rates as one-off adjustments to the price level, reflecting commodity price rises or import price rises rather than a self-reinforcing process of price rises feeding household and company inflation perceptions. 他们认为一些整体通胀数据的上扬是对价格水平的一次性调整,反映了大宗商品价格的上涨,或进口价格的上升,而不是一个会促成居民家庭和企业通胀感知的自我强化的价格上升过程。